HOW TO: Estimate Enterprise Vault Growth

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When migrating away from Enterprise Vault, licensing is based on volume of data.  Therefore it is important to know how much data there is in Enterprise Vault.  To find how much data you have, follow the article below:

Enterprise Vault migrations are sold with a maintenance plan which are typically 6 or 12 months.  During a migration Enterprise Vault is typically active and still archiving data.  Therefore it is important to estimate the growth for the duration of the maintenance contract.

To do this, the below SQL query should be run against each Vault Store Database:

count(*) AS [Item Count],
round(sum(cast(itemsize as real))/1024/1024,2) AS [Size GB]
from Saveset
where archiveddate > dateadd("HH", -24, getdate ())

The results will look similar to below:

Image 384

You should then multiply the Size GB  by the number of days of your maintenance plan then add that to the current volume within Enterprise Vault. This will allow you to size your license requirements to allow for the duration of the project.

The HH (green highlight) int he SQL query stands for Hours.  Alternatives to HH are as follows:

DD = Days
MM = Months
YY = Years

These can be changed in the query depending on the metric you would like to report on.  If you change this, you will also want to change the integer that you report on (the yellow highlight). 

For instance you may want to see the growth size for the last 6 months, in this case the query would like like below:

count(*) AS [Item Count],
round(sum(cast(itemsize as real))/1024/1024,2) AS [Size GB]
from Saveset
where archiveddate > dateadd("MM", -6, getdate ())

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