
Info: Obtaining the number of items in a folder for an Enterprise Vault archive

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It might be useful to obtain the total number of items that are in specific folders within an Enterprise Vault archive.  To do this, it requires access to run a SQL query.  


1. Identify the ArchiveID for the user in question.  This can be found on the properties of the Archive in the Vault Admin Console.  

2. Launch SQL Management Studio and start a new query window against the Vault Store Database.

3. Paste the following query.  The only modification is to enter the Archive ID from Step 1.  

SELECT FolderName, COUNT(*) as ItemCount --, FolderPath
FROM [view_Saveset_Archive_Vault] a
INNER JOIN [EnterpriseVaultDirectory].dbo.ArchiveFolderView b ON a.VaultID = b.VaultEntryId
WHERE ArchivePointId = '
enter the archive id here'
GROUP BY FolderName

4. Execute the query and it will create the result

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