HOW TO: Find large archives in Enterprise Vault

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Migration to Office 365 comes with some size limitations and it's helpful to know upfront which archives in Enterprise Vault are particularly large and will be affected by Office 365 size limits.

You can run following SQL script against each EV vault store to get list of archives with the size.

SELECT EME.MbxDisplayName "Mailbox Name", COUNT(S.ItemSize) "No. Items Archived", SUM(S.ItemSize)/1024 "Archived Item Size (MB)", SUM(SP.OriginalSize)/1024/1024 "Original Item Size (MB)" FROM dbo.Saveset S, dbo.SavesetProperty SP, dbo.ArchivePoint AP, EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry EME WHERE S.SavesetIdentity = SP.SavesetIdentity AND S.ArchivePointIdentity = AP.ArchivePointIdentity AND AP.ArchivePointID = EME.DefaultVaultId GROUP BY EME.MbxDisplayName ORDER BY EME.MbxDisplayName

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