ISSUE: Unexpected authentication failure when using O365 admin account

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When EV Complete running command that require O365 Admin account you may see following error in the EV Complete Exchange log file:

2023-03-24T09:33:15|WARN ||T:103|PsBaseWrapper             | ||0    |66ae3a2c-b9aa-430e-9997-b4eeb43fb390| ||Failed to establish the connection to MSOnline Powershell.Error msg: Authentication Error: Unexpected authentication failure.
2023-03-24T09:33:15|ERROR||T:103|PsBaseWrapper | ||0 |66ae3a2c-b9aa-430e-9997-b4eeb43fb390| ||Initialization failed for|MSOnline
EXCEPTION: System.Exception: Failed to establish the connection to MSOnline Powershell. Error msg: Authentication Error: Unexpected authentication failure.
at cloudficient.Common.Powershell.PsBaseWrapper.InitMSOnlinePowershellSession(RunspacePool runspacePool)
at cloudficient.Common.Powershell.PsBaseWrapper.InitSession(SessionPoolType type, Sessions sessionPool)
at cloudficient.Common.Powershell.PsBaseWrapper.InitSessionPool(SessionPoolType type)


This error is caused by wrong credentials (account or Password) being store in the credential editor. Update the credentials for O365 admin account and restart Remad.Exchange service.

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