ISSUE: Input exceeded the maximum allowable length for the field

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Create O365 User step may failed to create a leaver user because user name with the "Leaver_" prefix exceeded O365 max length for User Principal Name (UPN). In the case of user UPN exceeded max length you will receive following error:

"O365_CreateO365User Phase 1: An error occurred during MSOL Powershell | Exception message 1: Input exceeded the maximum allowable length for the field. Parameter name: MailException message 2: Input exceeded the maximum allowable length for the field. Parameter name: MailException message 3: Input exceeded the maximum allowable length for the field. Parameter name: Mail | Parameters: [upn,] [preferredDataLocation, ZAF] [displayName,] [firstName, LEAVER_] [lastName, CIB.Global.User.Administration.2010_04_27_2015_08_05._RA.EL_] [department, ] [ProcessResult]"

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You need to shorter the name for the Leaver user UPN in the EV complete database.

Following columns in the tables need to be updated with the shorter name:

1. Table [dbo.Mailboxes]

           a. Column: UserPrincipalName

           b. Column: PrimatySmtpAddress

2. Table [dbo.LeaveMappingSelection]

           a. Column LeaverTempIdentifier

You can use following query to update all three columns with shorter name:

update Mailboxes set UserPrincipalName = 'LEAVER SHORTER NAME' where UserPrincipalName='LEAVER ORIGINAL NAME'
update Mailboxes set PrimarySmtpAddress = 'LEAVER SHORTER NAME' where PrimarySmtpAddress='LEAVER ORIGINAL NAME'
update LeaverMappingSelection set LeaverTempIdentifier='LEAVER SHORTER NAME' where LeaverTempIdentifier='LEAVER ORIGINAL NAME'

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